MasterBlend Absorbent Powder - 6# Jar

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Product description

Absorbent Powder absorbs and deodorizes liquid spills and pet accidents and prevents them from spreading. Composed of a natural mineral and absorbent copolymer that encapsulate spilled liquids and odors. Acts like tiny sponges, absorbing up to 10 times its weight in water- and oil-based liquids.

  • Designed for use on household spills and pet accidents.
  • Works on oil and water-based spills.
  • Non-toxic. Easy to use.
  • Composed of a natural mineral and absorbent copolymer.
  • Safe for use on wool. Meets or exceeds all established standards of wool fiber producers and fifth generation stain resistant carpet manufacturers.






1. Immediately after a spill, sprinkle Absorbent Powder to completely cover the spot with a thin layer of Absorbent Powder, up to 1/8" on the spot and 2" around the outside edges.
2. Allow Absorbent Powder to remain until it has dried. The spill will be absorbed by the Absorbent Powder.
3. Once Absorbent Powder is completely dry, vacuum the area.

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